A Life Belt for Landlords

f you are a Landlord who is drowning in the sea of ever moving taxation and legislative goal posts, while dealing with nuisance tenants and losing a large percentage of your annual profit whenever you have a “void”, we have a solution for you.

What we can do for Landlords.

  • Provide a long term tenant
  • Eliminate the cost of voids
  • Take care of all cleaning and maintenance
  • Inspect the property monthly, weekly and sometimes even daily

All this while you continue to receive your rent:

Depending on the circumstances, we can even eliminate your tax liability on the rental income for up to 36 months.

For more information:

Contact Us

Direct Questions for Landlords:


Tired of dealing with tenants?

Tired of losing almost a whole year’s profit because of a two month void?

Tired of cleaning up after uncaring tenants move on?

Tired of discovering un-reported, costly maintenance issues at tenant change?

Would you prefer a long term fixed rent from the best tenant you will ever have?

We can be that tenant.

Contact Us

What Street Beat Deliver


Your property cleaned and maintained once or twice a week by our experienced team. Minor maintenance issues dealt with promptly. Significant maintenance issues spotted early avoiding the potential for costly repairs. All this done at our expense.

The average tenancy for a short term rental operator and their landlord is in the region of 8 years. Imagine 8 years of rent with no voids, limited maintenance and not having to deal with tenant hassle while the rent goes into your bank as regular as clockwork.

It all sounds too good to be true yes?

No matter if your property has 1, 2, 3, 4, or even more bedrooms, Street Beat Property could be your tenant.

Contact us and write Landlord in the subject box for information about how you can enjoy all the financial benefits of being a landlord (and more) without the hassle.

Are you thinking about investing in property?

Contact us today to talk more about how you can make property make money